Conversation Cravings

Have you ever had that random urge to speak to someone at a specific moment? I call that a "conversation craving".

A conversation craving is when you want to converse with someone, not just for the sake of it, but because you enjoy the very specific way in which that conversation travels. It may be that the topic of your conversation always varies or that your conversations always carry a distinct format. Whatever the reason is, you just can't help but crave this conversation. When I get a conversation craving it's always with someone who knows how to express himself/herself, someone who leaves room for other opinions yet still holds firm to his/her value stand point, someone who engages my mind, someone who teaches me something new and someone willing to learn from me. It can be with different people, but for the same reasons. 

Satisfying this craving brings joy and somewhat contentment, like taking a bite of chocolate after a long day. This satisfaction is really the objective of the craving. We crave because we enjoy the feeling we get in that moment of satisfaction. As the conversation moves, you ease out of that craving and into the satisfaction.

It has been said that when your body is in need of a specific mineral/vitamin this need is felt as a craving for a food which contains it. Perhaps the same is true for our lives and these conversation cravings. We crave what we lack, and because of this lack the satisfaction is so great. For me, conversation cravings are one of the many wondrous beauties of life. 


  1. Well written, hope your cravings are being quenched

  2. Well written, hope your cravings are being quenched


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