Introduction To My Blog

After having seen three of my friend's blogs, i decided that blogging is a great way to practice my writing and bring my thoughts to the World Wide Web! So, here goes my first official blog!

I sit down and I think. I think of my life's inspirations, and I ponder on my aspirations. I sit and realise that the only reason I have these aspirations is because of Faith! Not just any faith, mind you, but a faith in something stronger than anything, more powerful than the highest powers and more loving than the most loving!A faith in Jesus Christ!

Without my faith, i would not even be writing this blog, for it is through God and by God that all things are made possible. I haven't always had this faith, but when I found it... or rather when it found me... I just knew that this was one of those things that you have to hang on to! It's like a dived head first into an ocean and knew that there are sharks in there, but I just didn't want to get out. I didn't want to swim to an island of quicksand to escape the sharks, I rather wanted to survive on the accord of the Most High! Wow! Exhilarating stuff this is!

My inspiration comes from the things and people around me, at times even the places I've been to contribute to what I write about. Perhaps, I came into contact with someone who said or did something that evoked certain feelings or thoughts. My first response has been to think about these things, but now I'll post my thoughts to this blog so you can see them and that they may also inspire you! They might not inspire you to write but they could possibly inspire you in your current situation to make a change. So do return to this blog as often as you can, because there will always be something you can take out of it.

I have many aspirations and dreams but no long term goals, and goals are afterall the stepping stones to fulfilling your dreams. There are many things I aspire to be and each day is a new opportunity for God to make that change in me! Throughout the course of my blogs you will hopefully, see a change in the way I write, the analogies I use and the messages I convey. That change will be a reflection of my character change, as I slowly but surely become the woman I aspire to be.

This introduction to my blogs has hopefully made you curious as to what I have to say in the comming weeks, months and years! So do return with an open heart as I share my thoughts with you!

~Live life cupcake at a time!~
