Holiday Reflection
10 weeks of holiday have passed and I'm on the verge of journeying back to Stellenbosch. It's been an eventful holiday with my family, so I do believe that I'm well rested and recuperated for the year ahead. For the first time in my varsity career I feel that my time of vacation was sufficient for my system to reboot - not too long and not too short. My mood right now? Satisfied...
In short, this restful holiday was just what the doctor ordered. After an intensely long year, 10 weeks of holiday seemed heavenly. So, as I begin to pack my bags I do so without a glimpse of despair for the future, rather I'm refreshed and eager for the challenges that await in good ol' Stellies. I hope to keep you informed of my activities (the lot of them) as the year progresses, but I won't promise anything.
This is a brief post, primarily because I have an empty suitcase waiting to be packed. Till next time, readers, here's a word of encouragement which has been a recurring theme in my life over the past 10 weeks:
Too often we wholeheartedly pursue things that do not matter in life. We must take care not to prioritize worldly goals above what God has called us to. If we're investing in perishables, then our returns will be perishable and our efforts in vain. As the year begins, remember what matters and pursue righteousness.
Amen, our hope indeed is of a world where the perishable will become imperishable