Self-discovery Anew

A sudden heightened awareness of who I am.

I feel deeply for the pain of those around me and cast glaring eyes at the apathetic responses to this pain. Similar to a pharisee who preaches the law between breaths of hypocrisy and blasphemy I chant at the injustices I so easily perpetuate. In a state of disbelief the mirror reveals to me that which I could not see. In a state of disbelief my heart echoes prayers of crying melodies and throbbing heartache. A bitter pain. A sobering reminder that I too am frail with a strength that ever fails. So, upon this new self-discovery I surrender to my weakness, I give in to the heartache, I wallow in the sorrow of this world and cast off my burden to The One who can bare. As I barely stand on my firm foundation, my feet quiver in utter desperation. But to what effect are these vain adorations? To what end is this lamentation?

Scribbling the words of my emotion to give meaning to the feeling that engulfs and en-casts me. In a bid to share a glimpse of my heart and give heart to those who find a familiar part. A reminder of the strength that's perfected in my weakness - send encouragement to my soul. So in this state of  heightened self-awareness I'll ease in to my imperfection and allow this frustration to point me back to the author and perfecter of my salvation. 
