Social networking is a choice

I wrote English Paper 1 today and I'm not writing about it because it was my last Grade 11 exam, I'm writing about it because it inspired me. The comprehensions where all about Facebook and how it's bad for you and time-wasting and how your marks drop... I ,however, beg to differ!

The reason I have Facebook, Twitter, Skype and a Blog is because I have the desire to keep in touch with people. I may spend most of my time looking through people's pictures and chatting with them, but that is by no means detrimental to my academics or real-life relationships. One of the texts in my exam portrayed Facebook friends as superficial, although it can at times be, the main reason for being on Facebook is to communicate with your friends all across the world and what better way to keep in touch and up to date with them if not Facebook? This social network allows me to share my pictures with my friends in the US, U.K, Turkey, Lesotho, Denmark, Thailand... and the list could go on!

Suggesting that Facebook is the cause of a decline in grades at the Ohio State University is absolute rubbish! People's marks drop because they don't know how to manage their time and Facebook is not to blame at all. These kind of things really get to me because people don't like taking the responsibility for their own actions by admitting that they fell into their OWN temptation, instead they blame technology. It's pathetic that people would find any excuse to make up for their short comings. We all have to make the choice to either study or not to study, regardless of Facebook.

Social networking is here and it's here to stay, so if people don't learn how to manage their time and resist the temptation of looking at one more album then it's going to become an addiction that will be hard to get rid of. If you are one of those people I suggest you start learning soon, because later in life may just be a little too late.

~ Live life SWEET... one cupcake at a time! ~
